DANGEROUS parking at Bangor’s Brompton area that ‘could put a life in danger’ has prompted a partial closure of a popular coastal access road. Councillor Alistair Cathcart has welcomed PSNI action to tackle dangerous parking on Brompton Road that has blocked emergency access and residents’ driveways.

A barrier has now been closed along the bottom section of the road that provides access to Bangor West’s coastal path and the popular Brompton pier swimming spot. Concerns had been raised about cars parking in the turning circle and on both sides of the road following the recent spell of good weather and influx of visitors.

The Bangor Central councillor said: “This is a potentially serious situation if somebody gets into difficulties in the water or along the coast, emergency services will not be able to access the coastal path.”

He said: “I welcome PSNI enforcement action against cars parking and blocking emergency access to the coastal path and blocking residents driveways on Brompton Road, Bangor. “Cleared access to the gate at the Brompton Road is required for emergency services to access the coastal path and the popular bathing area at Brompton.”

Voicing concerns, Mr Cathcart said: “In this good weather cars have been parking all over the place, they are blocking driveways, parking in the turning circle and on both sides of the narrow road. “Cars are also parking up the footpaths, forcing wheelchair users and prams etc to walk down the road.

As a result the PSNI will be issuing fines and towing vehicles blocking access.” Calling on the Department for Infrastructure to reapply double yellow lines along the road, Mr Cathcart said: “What hasn’t helped the situation, is that DfI Roads have failed to reapply double yellow lines along the road since it was resurfaced following the NI Water treatment works. “I am lobbying DfI Roads to install the much needed double yellow lines as soon as possible.

However, the lack of double yellow lines is no excuse for blocking access.’ He said: “There are a few spaces for a few cars along the road but please do not park in front of the gate, in the turning circle, in front of residents’ driveways or both sides of the road. “You may get fined or your car towed away but worse you could put a life in danger.”