THE ULSTER Flying Club is to host a Young Aviators event this summer.

The club is hoping to host an event in July/August for young people aged between 12 and 16.

The event is a showcase for young people to get behind the controls and learn the basics of flying from a pool of certified instructors. Each participant will receive a 20-minute circuit flight, with permission from parents and guardians.

The event is to stimulate interest in aviation and the application of STEM skills (science, technology, engineering and maths) taught in schools.

Lesley Mo, Business Development Manager at the Ulster Flying Club, said they are gauging interest and aiming for a date in either July or August depending on enrolments.

“We’re gauging interest at the minute to see if we’d have the numbers,  as we observed we had quite a lot of parents and guardians buy young people trial lessons over Christmas,” she said.

“What we’re finding is that a lot of the young ones who love aviation, don’t really know how to pursue it and don’t really know what the next steps are.”

The Young Aviators Day, which will be ticketed, lasts for the full day and will be an opportunity for young people to learn about the different careers they can have within aviation.

“The Young Aviators Day will be a full day experience, providing a platform for building confidence and fostering a sense of camaraderie among like-minded young enthusiasts,” said Lesley.

“It will be a great opportunity for these aspiring aviators to connect with their peers who share the same passion for flight and aircraft.

 “Throughout the event, participants will gain insights into the practical steps involved in turning their aviation dreams into reality. They will meet professionals who will help them understand the journey ahead.

“The day will be packed with excitement – this is a ticketed event. If the sky and aircraft ignite your child’s enthusiasm, then the next step is to express interest.”

The primary activities of the event are:

  • Aircraft  and airport tours
  • Learn the basics of pre-flight checks
  • Aviation medicine
  • From Private Pilot’s Licence to Commercial Pilot’s Licence
  • Weather challenges
  • Meet the instructors
  • A day in the life of a commercial pilot
  • A 20-minute trial flight in the C42 Microlight  (permission needed from a parent/guardian)
  • Guest speakers
  • Networking
  • Certificate of attendance

Lesley said there’s a link between STEM subjects and aviation so this event will hopefully create interest within science, technology, engineering and maths.

“It’s trying to create interest with STEM subjects, and in aviation as they are quite linked,” she said.

“We are encouraging young ones to come together, share their passion but also learn about what’s ahead of them and the routes they can take to get to it.”

If anyone would like to express an interest and enrol, get in touch with Lesley on to receive an information pack.