OVER the Christmas period, Bangor Rugby Club’s topless carol singers raised £7260.99 for their chosen charities – TinyLife and the Neonatal Unit at the Ulster Hospital.Angela Moore, from TinyLife was at Upritchard Park on Thursday evening to receive a cheque for £4850.75 from a selection of the carol-singing players. Debbie Lennon and Jessica Crawford from MIS Legal Services were also on hand to present their generous contribution of over £800 to the overall amount raised.TinyLife is Northern Ireland’s premature and vulnerable baby charity. They are dedicated to reducing premature birth, illness, disability and death in the six babies born every day in Northern Ireland, and are committed to providing a range of support services that meet the growing needs of families of premature babies locally. Their work supports vital research to ensure every pregnancy has the best chance of a healthy outcome and a healthy baby.As well as supporting TinyLife, the carol singers also raised £2410.75 for the Neonatal Unit at the Ulster Hospital. This unit is funded for 13 cots – two Intensive care (level 1), two high dependency (level 2) and nine special care (level 3) – and cares for babies born above 27 weeks (28 weeks for twins) and for sick babies who require support.TinyLife and the Neonatal Unit have a particularly close association with Bangor Rugby Club, and the club is delighted to have been able to raise much needed funds to support the ongoing work of these organisations.